Monday, December 27, 2010

41 Days and growing!

Well, I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas holiday with the ones you love! 

As my mom always says, "If you don't believe, you don't receive" and so, as with every year that passes as I get older, I still believe in Santa Claus and the spirit that he brings.  And therefore, Santa made a stop at our house!  No coal for me or Paul this year!  But of course, the best present we are receiving will be here in about 6 weeks, and I am SO excited and ridiculously nervous all at the same time! 

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve at the Mikulski house with Paul's immediate family.  We tracked Santa's whereabouts on TV with our nieces and even managed Chrismas Karaoke on Santa TV!  Then Paul and I braved the weather and late night to attend midnight mass at our parish, St. James, in Arlington Heights.  It was a great mass and besides my back being on fire, all went well.  We were fast asleep by 1am! (That is officially 5 hours past my bedtime these days:))

And not to fail, Santa arrived and we had a great Christmas morning.  Baby even bought Daddy some Chicago Bears onesies.  Daddy is hoping for a Superbowl Baby and even more so, that the Bears are part of that equation!  What a day that would be!  I, myself, would be fine with a little less excitement for the arrival, I need Paul to be FOCUSED on the delivery, not da Bears - ha ha!

Well, you asked and you shall receive, here are a couple pics of me from last week and my growing belly!  Enjoy this while it last, I can't imagine I will continue to be as inclined to take pictures as the belly gets bigger and bigger!

Sending lots of love your way.  My nieces and nephews are currently in their glory right now at Nonnie & Papa's house and having a ball with their cousins.  Marianne and her entourage (i.e. Mom & Karen, etc.) will be dress shopping tomorrow for their JULY 23RD wedding!  And I will be on the phone telecommuting and gettings lots of pictures texted my way so I can live up to my Matron of Honor duties!

Until next week, have a very Happy and SAFE New Year's.  Be careful out there, please watch out for the crazies on the road!  I hope that 2010 was great to you and I wish you nothing but the best for 2011!


Our Christmas Tree 2010

My belly at 33 weeks

33 weeks

1 comment:

  1. jen, a friend of ours had their little boy, brock mason, last year on superbowl sunday (morning)... my friend had an easy delivery with him and they got to watch the game in the hospital that night. if baby M should decide to come that day, maybe s/he will also follow that path :)

    love the pics. glad you had a good holiday! 2011 will be an unforgettable and amazing year for you and paul! i can't wait for you guys to experience this - truly the best gift anyone (even Santa) could give :)
    xox, amanda
